We are headed back where the stars shine brightest: Sky safari, sunrise hike and the sweet desert air! Join Finjan on a nighttime adventure where the stars shine bright, the air is crisp and the desert silence reigns supreme! It's time for our annual deep-space stargazing and sky safari down by the Ramon Crater followed by an early sunrise hike to Mount Saharonim.
READ MOREJoin Finjan for a night out in the Negev, where the stars are shining bright, and the evenings are cool.
READ MOREJoin Finjan for an amazing day hiking and swimming in the magnificent Arugot canyon, ending the day with a visit to the ancient Ein Gedi synagogue that belonged to a community hiding a secret.
READ MOREJoin Finjan for a Carmel mountain adventure, climbing up a challenging Yagur gorge and descending the historical Ma'apilim descent.
READ MOREJoin Finjan for a Passover adventure trekking through the remote basalt plateaus of the eastern Galilee, area rich with springs and amazing views of the Galilee, Gilead and the sea of Galilee.